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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Activists say voting-machine software needs a dry run before November - News - News - Pittsburgh City Paper - Pittsburgh

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wiki to the rescue: A Collaborative Attempt to Protect the Vote

Comedian, activist, Obama supporter, and Jack & Jill Politics blogger Baratunde Thurston has launched The Voter Suppression Wiki. The freely-editable online hub aims to coordinate information and activism around any foul play and/or mess ups that might make election '08 less than on the level. Of note: Baratunde reports that the wiki is drawing on the lessons learned from the innovative Get FISA Right effort that we've often covered on techPres in the past. No matter where you stand on the subject of the wiki, you may well appreciate Get FISA's Jon Pincus's insightful analysis of how the rather vanilla technology can be used to rebalance the "information asymmetry" often at play in politics. #

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Michigan Messenger - Messenger rejects GOP plea for retraction

Michigan Messenger - Messenger rejects GOP plea for retraction: "The Michigan Republican Party is demanding, via press release, a retraction of the Michigan Messenger story “Lose your house, lose your vote.”

In the article, Macomb County Republican Party chairman James Carabelli was quoted as saying, “We will have a list of foreclosed homes and will make sure people aren’t voting from those addresses.”"

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Should Alaska be its own nation. Vote hi-jacking

Daily Kos: State of the Nation Specifically, they state three of the four following choices should be on that ballot, and that is to remain a territory - just keep your relationship the same, become a commonwealth which has all of its own advantages and disadvantages, to become a state, or to become an independent nation. When the ballot appeared before Alaskans it had statehood yes or no, and under the voters rights Act at that time, you had to be able to read and write English to vote, which pretty much took care of any of the native population having any vote in the election whatsoever.